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Sarah Gold


1 diciembre, 2019

Email: sarah@mybizexplained.com
Mensaje: Hey again,

I was recently on your site and I can see you continue to pour time and energy into your digital presence. Your hard work shows and it’s really coming along!

What caught my eye was, despite the engaging layout & clear investment in your site, you’re still missing an explainer video to easily convey information to website viewers.

It’s sad to say, but web visitors today are lazier than ever! Without high-quality video content on your site, you are missing out on potential customers. These potential customers are already on your site – you just need to convert them!

FYI – I work at an amazing explainer video & marketing firm that specializes in creating fun and easily digestible homepage videos. We have actually created several such videos in your industry. We have offices in California + Jerusalem Israel.

I would love to chat further about how I can help. Email me laura@MyBizExplained.com or see some samples on www.MyBizExplained.com

Sarah Gold